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» » Some of the Mysteriously Abandoned Sea Vessels of the World

The waters of the sea is filled with numerous numbers of terrifying things, like the pirates, bad weather, alien abductions, monstrous sea creatures
and off course the mystifying workings of the Bermuda Triangle. One can come across various kinds of mishaps in the mysterious wars of the sea.
One of the top mysteries of the sea is the ghost ships or the missing ships and their crew members, which attracts a lot of attention and also terrifies some people with the mysteries associated with them. Some of the terrifying mysteries of these ghost ships and their unexplainable appearances amid the waters of the sea have been mentioned below.

Mary Celeste
When it comes to writing about haunted ships, one that tops our charts is the Mary Celeste, which was apparently found abandoned in the year 1872. Words like spooky and unsettling are generally associated with this brigantine merchant ship. The ship was found amid the Atlantic Ocean with its cargo and valuables, which were completely left untouched and not a single passenger or a crew member were found on board. 

The theories like pirates attack were ruled out and the more shocking theories of alien abduction or sea monster attack took over on the case of this hip. Today, the Mary Celeste stands as one of the top unexplained mysteries in the world.

Jian Seng
A lot of illegal activities are carried on the waters of the ocean, from illegal fishing to one of the most absurd one that is haunting the world- human trafficking. So, whenever ships of unknown origin show up, suspicions are automatically raised. 

AS in similar case, the Jian Seng was found in the waters close to Queensland in Australia, in the year 2006. But when the Australian officials boarded the ship, they could find no recent evidence of human activity on board except for a large quantity of rice. As the original owner of the ship could not be found, the ship was finally sunk in the waters of the ocean.

MV Joyita
The MV Joyita was structured in a certain manner that there was hardly any possibility for it to get sunk. But there are many things that can go apart from getting sunk in the sea and in the year 1955, Joytia was reported to be disappeared in the South Pacific waters. After about five weeks of its disappearance, it was spotted off-course, in a partially submerged position. Its four tons of cargo was missing along with medical supplies, food and timber.

 It oil drums were also found empty and the radio was set to the international distress channel. As to its missing life boats and blood-stained bandages on board, some people believed that the captain of the ship must have got injured and died because of  which the passengers and the crew members left the ship. But the theory cannot explain the missing cargos.
Kaz II
On 15th April 2007, three men set out on a journey on a ship called Kaz II, along the coast of Australia. But after three days the ship was found drifting towards the Great Barrier Reef with its three passengers missing on board. 

Everything seemed perfect on Kaz II, the food was set on the table, a laptop was open and the music was still playing, life jackets were hung on their hooks and even the entire emergency systems were still functional. As the sea was quite irregular at that time and none of the passengers were wearing life jackets, it was believed that one of them must have fallen off-board and the others must have died while trying to save him.  

Another ship which was found without its crew members is Zebrina. The ship had left a port of Southern England on October 1917 and its cargo was filled with coal, to be taken to Saint-Brieuc, in France. This 3-masted sailing barge was found close to France in a good condition without its crew members, after two days of its departure. It seemed that the missing crew was due to some conflict related to World War I. For example, it must have been faced gunfire from a German ship. Many things could have occurred but its crew was never found and the Zebrina was finally sunk into the sea. 

High Aim 6

The High Aim 6, a Taiwanese ship was another victim of mystical happenings in sea. The ship was found in the Australian waters without its crew, in 2003. It had plenty of duel and the personal belongings of the crew members were also left untouched. It seemed as if the ship had gone through no disastrous circumstances and the forensic examination revealed no sign of struggle on board. Searches were made for considerable distances from the ship but nothing was found. 

After 10 days of its discovery without its crew, the cell phone of a missing engineer of the ship was still ringing and the calls were made from Indonesia. After sometime, a crew member was tracked, who claimed that the captain and engineer were murdered and the rest of the crew returned back to their homes, but he could not explain the reason behind their killing.  

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