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» » Some of the Irreplaceable Places in Wildlife Reservation

It’s awful to understand even within the flux of natural resources like forest, mountaintops and savannahs we have flocks
of animals who are finding hard times to carry on their existence and in such a condition the multiple question arises which is completely related with the preservation of this natural habitats.

Amongst the most complex questions the one which require steady solution is pollution and if we could develop the habit to save them from the course of it than half the job is done and it will lead to the determination of the subject whether they will call to walk ahead towards the road of survival.

Fortunately the new study has put up some fact which in turn would result in sustainability of the mammals, birds and amphibians and the aim of the study was to identify the terrestrial area where such animals could have their meaning of survival.

As per the words of Ana Rodrigues, conservation biologist the area of preservation within the fold of protected area requires expansion to accommodate animals but she understood the fact that even the protected area needs to work in a way they want.

As per the source of 2012 United Nations Environment Programme the protected area around the earth measures 13% of the total land beside that it also covers 2% of the earth’s ocean area.

Although they have a protected area but the procedures of management and administration varies and the glaring instances of such are parks, refuges and protected areas where we can witness the amazing species which are not as threatened as other obvious animals.
Rodrigues further added that she along with her colleagues is trying to recognise the protected area where they could officially implant their ideas but she has not declared which would be the one.
She is in a giant hope that new analysis would come handy for managers to identify the protected areas where they could responsibly shelter animals and protect their existence and coming generation.

The information related with other animals and plant groups are not as complete so they have not considered the same in the given study and when it comes to the protected areas then the same are also in the budding stages.

So after sorting all the information they have mentioned six irreplaceable places which were published Thursday in the Journal Science.

Sierra Nevada De Santa Marta, Colombia
Perched perfectly within the ambience of the Caribbean coast of the Columbia’s the sounding diversity and serenity suits the phenomenon of the natural habitat. The chain of mountain that goes up to the level of sea measures the height of 4000 m and the solemn peaks of the site speaks the volume of diversity which in turn allows animals to settles within.

The high perks of peak are covered by snow and ice beside that its tropical and temperate areas which are at the lowest altitude explain the dimension which in turn has made this place prosper and prevalent.
Although the places has got everything to protect the existence but the exception of growing agriculture and expansion of area might result in down fall of the seclusion which in turn would again give rise to the population and pollution.

Canaima National Park, Venezuela
The geology of this place is so suitable for the natural habitats that the basic essentials of the site was recommended as the place of serenity and owing to its importance the site was designated as the World Heritage Site of UNESCO which happened in the year of 1994.

Following the elements of importance Rodrigues said that the table top mountain here depicts the relation with the savannah and the forest underside. The side of the park is affluent with its table top mountains that it is often recommended as tepuis.

The serenity and presence of it are so consolidated that human would require getting into helicopter to see the ambiance of such. Ranging between the heights of 3200 to 9800 the mountains of the perks is the hub of isolation.

Every island in the sky has develop its own community of plants and animals which are different in its course and are not available within the whole periphery of the world and to trace their peculiarity one must note the beauty of Tepuihyla, a group of frogs which are actually quite different as compare to other.
Rain Forests of the Atsinanana, Madagascar
The rainforest here are confined under the guidelines of six national parks along the eastern Madagascar. Owing to its importance the site was declared as UNESCO world heritage site in the year of 2007.

Perhaps the course of rainforest which results in making this place more than just a dale of greenery or meadow of green the place is inhabited by different kinds of plants and animals. All the animals and plants living within the periphery are endemic as per the United Nations World Heritage Convention. As per their research 80 to 90% of the plants and animals living inside the rainforest are prevalent.

It was back in 60 to 80 million years ago an Island Nation separated from the shore of Africa and since then the place has been living under the shades of rainforest. The flora-fauna you will witness lives within the conjuring serenity which in turn has gave birth too many exclusive species and in this context the name of Lemurs requires special mention.

Western Ghats, India
If you have ever witnessed the phenomenon of India’s monsoon season than understand the fact that it is geologically influenced by the presence of Western Ghats which is considered as one of the eight hottest places of biodiversity in the world.

The mountains here are much older than the Himalayas and owing to its importance the site has been listed under the designation of the world heritage site of UNESCO. Running along the coast that lies towards the western flanks the Western Ghats are very much responsible for weather influence.

Enriched in biodiversity the northern flanks of the Western Ghats is home to approximately third of the plants, half of the reptiles and three quarters of the amphibians which are to be found to found within the shore of India, said by the World Wildlife Fund.
When it comes to exception than agriculture which needs clearing of forest and land is prescribed to be the main reason for threatening g activities.

Central Highlands, Sri Lanka
The mountain forest area of the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka houses purple faced Langur and the Horton plains slender loris which as per the experts are considered to be the threatened animals and here within the proximity of highland you are going to find this animals in appropriate numbers.

The Highlands area of Sri Lanka includes the Peak Wilderness Protected area, Horton Plains National park and Knuckles Conservation Forest which was listed under the lines of UNESCO World heritage site in the year of 2010.

The area around the Central Highland are lived by mountainous and sub-mountainous  rain forest which are renowned for its seclusion and serenity and perhaps gives an ample of opportunity for such breed to embrace their existence.

Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania
The mountain range which follows the protocol of the Eastern Arc the national park of the area is renowned for safeguarding the dying species or say prevalent breeds of Iringa red colour monkey and the Sanje crested mangabey monkey.

Owing to its importance the site was enlisted under the bricks of UNESCO world heritage site but then the government of Tanzania took out their application. Talking about the biodiversity than the place is endowed with serenity that natural habitats around the site is growing in numbers which in turn has made this place one of the protected area for preservation of wildlife.

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