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» » Prominent Resolution to Escape from Unpleasant Travelling Experience

When it comes to travelling there is a saying, it’s about Journey, not the destination, but do we really have any alternatives and means of transforming an unpleasant journey to a pleasurable one. 
Well in this context I must conclude by addressing the name of my teacher Sharon Salzberg who is one of the most inspiring people when it comes to influence the blocks of mind.
Sharon Salzberg is amongst the ardent traveller and a profound teacher and through this article toady we are going to talk about the mind games and inspirational modes she practices while travelling.

1. Wait with Loving Kindness
Sharon in this context believes that everyone living down wants to feel a sense of kindness and such act would lead to the door of happiness. Sharon being one of the World’s greatest emissaries of loving kindness believes that happiness is linked with recognition or benevolence.

I recently came back from one of her retreats at the Insight Meditation Society where we performed Loving kindness every morning for a week and I learnt that it calls for transformation.
Waiting and rushing is very common while you enter within the site of transit and it has been witnessed that many people during that time just looks to escape away from rush but when it comes to Sharon it is completely different.

During such phase she follows an ideology of loving and kindness by saying be happy and sage and get to where to want to get to in her head. Following the course she allows security officer to perform his/her duty by allowing them to scan everything before she escapes to the blue sky. It has been seen that many travellers become victim of anxiety and for them loving and kindness could be a revolutionary method.

Sharon while explaining her practice believes that loving and kindness does not ask for someone approval it is just that loving and kindness looks to recognise the mind of the people.
Practical Tip: make sure to practice the method during travelling or while waiting but just make sure to avoid any eye contacts as it might lead to discomfort the minds of others.

2. Be Where You Are
During the time of massive confusion do remember to realise this suggestion as it heals the mind and rejoice the senses. In order to relates the practice during practical times Sharon suggest one must pay attention to the surroundings and must look to understand what’s going around. 

Whenever you feel tensed make sure to take deep breath to respite the moment. Sharon says whenever you pay attention or concentrate on where you are you will reach the place where you would like to be.

Practical Tip: to follow the course mentioned above meditation could be a patent remedy and if you wish to know more about it than tag along with Sharon’s book, Real Happiness.

3. Adopt a “travel mantra.”
When we are in disturbing situation during the call of travelling, annulment of flights and such other scenario could well lead to perturb our mind and it has been seen traveller often becomes victim of anxiety during such situation.
Although it is very exceptional to understand the question which according to situation needs no justification but Sharon says if we will try to control the things which are out of our reach than situation could turn out to be worst.

Recalling the trend of uncertainty during such situation would lead us to tackle such situation which she defines as the tendency to get lost in an unpleasant world of our own creation.

To relate her ideology Sharon shares an instance where she was asked to change the plane along with her fellow passenger and while boarding the next one of her fellow passenger advised her to hold on to boarding pass because she thought that again they would be asked to come out from the seat. 

Although nothing such happened and we were off to sky comfortably but one thing here we must look to trace is negative delusion of women who were in share doubt that something wrong will happen.

Practical Tip: make sure to understand that if situation is demanding practical action than do that but if it is not then don’t  run along with anxiety rather try and adapt with situation.

4. Keep Things in Perspective
Sharon believes that travel is like a contract and it is very obvious to witness breakdown in contract such as lost luggage, last minute gate changes, missed connection and many more but it’s up to us how to deal with a situation because call of action defines our character.
Sharon believes it is practically up to us to tackle the situation and we must remember that our needs and frustrations can be expressed without any personal blame.

Such situation can be handled by following the correct process and the first and relevant process in these scene starts by asking our self regarding an action we are looking forward to take.
Practical Tip: if ever find yourself in such situation than resolution starts by asking yourself. Do noy blame each other and better negotiate with it.

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