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» » Some Historic Landmarks of Montana Big Hole National Battlefield

It was on August 9 of late 18th century when the native tribes Nez Perce fought with the soldiers of US to escape their way to Canada
. Although they failed to stand on their expectation but the battle that took place for consecutive five months between the two brave soldiers actually relates the golden history of Montana.

 As referred by the historian the battle is renowned as Battle of Big Hole and the same battle was the largest amongst all. So owing to its importance the site was converted into Nez Perce National Historical Park, in 1992.

A collection of 38 sites which is spread over the five different states of actually looks to honour and preserve the testimonies and incident that changed the history of both sides.

First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, Ulm
To quote the importance of the site first thing we must look to understand is that it is an archaeological site and the horse shoe shaped cliff is possibly the largest cliff of north America where native people comes in to perform bison jump.

As per the history before an excavation of Lewis and Clarke the site was used by the native people for at least thousand years and that gives us an idea regarding the pre historic existence of the site.

The site where people hops in to perform bison jump actually is a sandstone cliff that measures the height of 18ft with its line stretched over miles so a journey here is going to be historical because many tribes during their existence used this cliff as their hunting zone.

Apart from being a historical site First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, Ulm can be considered as holy because an evidence of pictographs and petroglyphs speaks the volume.

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Crow Agency

This national monument actually looks to preserve the site where battle between US Cavalry and Indian soldiers happened dramatically. Beside that the site also looks to pay homage to the soldiers of both the side who lost their life while defending the chariot.

Although the present look of the site is little changed as compared to the previous one but these changes would give you a better idea in understanding the history of the war. Within the site of the monument you will witness Custer National Cemetery, Custer Battlefield, and Reno-Benteen Battlefield.

The Ellen Theatre, Bozeman
It was way back in 19thcentury when the Ellen the historical movie theatre of Montana was established by Nelson Story a son of Bozeman to honour the soul of his mother. According to historian the first movie that came into roll was in 1919 and very after that the theatre became heart of the downtown.

For those who lived and died in Bozeman the theatre carried great significance and when theatre was off the screen because of monitory problems people here lost their charm.

Owing to its importance and being a historical site the theatre was announced to be open in 2008 with the help of liberal donors and at present with its kind of opulence people runs here to meet with their history and ancestor.

Makoshika State Park, Glendive
Located at the east of Glendive the Makoshika state park is the largest within the state and the sprawling area is renowned for its bizarre rock formation which according to Indian Phrase is renowned as Bad land or bad earth.

Within the core of the rock formation you will get to see the gigantic fossils of dinosaur which in turn tells us its story regarding its primitive inhabitants beside the fossils of dinosaur here you will find the vestige of turkey vultures, prairie falcons and eagles.

Although historians are not allowed to dig the formation but as a traveller what best you can do is go forward to view the Triceratops skull which would be a new experience in itself. Beside that you can run your adventure trail by trekking the distance, archery, Frisbee golf and in during June come here to initiate with the call of Buzzard day.
Bannack State Park, Dillon
Renowned as ghost town of the west a journey here would give you an opportunity to understand the golden era of west and their settlement. Being one of the best preserve state parks the area here is rather preserved than renovated or you can say protected rather than exploited.
Within the area of 1600 acre you will understand the history of the western culture and the 50 houses which are preserved to give you a insight of its territorial influence would take you back to 80s when there was nothing much to offer.

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Deer Lodge
It was in 1972 when Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Deer Lodge was created to commemorate the western cattle industry that had its origin within the calls of 80s.

Traveller must understand that it was Johny Grant who started the work in 1962 and then sold it to Kohrs who later became famous by the name of cattle king. The heritage site compiles the artefacts and documents which relates the history of the west.

Museum Of The Plains Indian, Browning
It was in 1941 when museum was founded to relate the story of Blackfeet, crow, Northern Cheyenne, Sioux, Assiniboine, Arapaho, Shoshone, Nez Perce, Flathead, Chippewa, and Cree tribes. Beside that museum has collection of Native American achievements and their documents. Gallery here pays tribute to the changing modes of creative work and when it comes to its architectural work then it reflects the Indian cultural subjects.

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