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» » Improving My Surfing Skills within the Shore of Mentawai Island,

I’m a brilliant surfer let that be it for now and to prove the same I must conclude the ferocity of the Beng Bengs
which is renowned as one of the most affluent surfing destination within the entire ambience of the Indonesia Mentawai Island.

After booming into the white water for a several seconds I was off the beat and went on along with flow of water, since there was a certain amount of risk of falling into the core but then I witnessed the parrot and clown fished danced out its tail and I was mesmerised to feel the same around the Mentawai which is amongst the most preserved and remotes surfing destination of the world.

At present travelling within Southeast Asia would certainly give you the feeling of transformation that the country had witnessed over the past times and you would be shock to understand that many of the places like Bali does not look as same as before.

Although it would be completely wrong to say that the places around Indonesia fails to depict the past glory but yes you can say that there has been a considerable amount of transformation but the thing is the essence of such remains the same. However it is always better to be around the place which is quiet a distance away from the busy schedule of city and to feel the same I travelled down to Mentawai Island.

While walking down the shore I found myself getting busy to see the people who were playing cards with the rebellions from abroad. It was in 5 AM when Muslim prayer buzzed loudly and then I walked out from my bunk and joined the first officer who was sitting at the side of railing. While talking with each other we witnessed the dawn of the day in the Mentawai Archipeligo.

Our guide, Diego Angel who owned the Mentawai surf camp met us at the ferry port and together we walked down into the wounds of jungle. While speaking to Diego he said we would reach the destination which is located at the northern end of the largest island in the Mentawai, Siberut via speed boat.

While reaching the site of Dugout Canoe I witnessed the springs as the pristine white beaches along with fringes of palm was sailing over the height which in turn is not obsessed by the common civilians except the fisher men who are natural inhabitants of the place.

Although the site of our destination was still away from the thrust of eye but with spontaneous coverage of distance we finally found ourselves within the shore of the Mentawai surf camp which was our hub for the next 8 days.

It was amazing to learn that island was amongst the most virgin surfing destinations of the world and it was very much true because the strong storms were waving the shore of the southern Indian Ocean which was again applauded by the southeast trade winds serving the coast of Sumatra.
Although we had arrived just at a right time and Diego said the waves are unaware regarding the calls of the season, Diego recognised Mentawai as his personification of the Eden and it was again in 2007 he found an eternal connection of the wave with his wife Lora.

Now after the success of his fruitful marriage his son Joaquin who is referred as Monkeys walks down along with him. Mentawai Island which is regarded as home to several surfers is so simple in its appearance and its homey ambiance which is complimented by Island style bungalows is actually a home of Diego where he lives with his happy family.

While speaking with Diego he shows utmost respect and shows happiness for being around the site of island where he has found the peace and a piece of life. Pointing towards the growing field of civilisation he says we are happy that we are living somewhere which is far beyond the reach of civilisation and trumpets of cities sound. 

He further added with the passage of time such seclusion would have no existence so it’s better to live at the call of serenity which would walk away along with the ravages of time.

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