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» » Nagzira wildlife sanctuary a Green Oasis of Vidharba

The Nagzira wildlife sanctuary
is one among the many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries located in the state of Maharashtra still has its own distinct beauty and charm. Located in the Bhandara district of Maharashtra, it is often referred to as the Green Oasis of Vidharba because of the plethora of flora and fauna found here. Compared to others, this is a small sanctuary but is equally rich in its wildlife. It is spread across an area of 152 sq. km and links the southern and central forested areas like the Tadoba – Andhari and Kanha Tiger Reserves. It is a paradise for nature lovers who will get an opportunity to explore different varieties of plants, animals and birds in their natural habitat. 

Some of the different varieties of animals found here are – tigers, leopards, dholes, jungle cats, sloth bears, hyaenas, jackals, wolves, gaur, sambar etc. There are also different varieties of reptiles like India rock python, dhaman, Indian cobra, Russel’s viper, Checkeredkeel back found here. Besides this there are also different varieties of frog, toads and fishes found in the lakes and nearby water bodies. The sanctuary also has over 166 species of avifauna, some of which are the herons, storks, black lbis, crested honey buzzard, blackwinged kite and parian kite, hornbills, flycatchers, swallows etc. Along with this rich variety of flora and fauna the sanctuary also has about 49 species of butterfly which makes it quite colourful and lively. The vegetation consists mostly of dry mixed forests with about 200 species of plant. It also has a variety of herbs and shrubs which cover the entire area.
This sanctuary offers a calm and beautiful atmosphere to enjoy the wildlife at its best. There are watch cabins constructed at different places which offer a good opportunity to enjoy the surroundings. Elephant’s rides are also available for added fun and adventure. There is also a tourist complex with slides and towers. For photographers there will be plenty of opportunity to capture nature at its best. One must carry binoculars to have a closer look at the animals and birds. This area was declared a reserve forest well before the independence of the country in the year 1879 and later in 1970 it was declared a wildlife sanctuary.

This wildlife sanctuary is quite a popular among the tourists and about 30, 000 of them come here annually. The plethora of animals, plants, insects, butterflies etc. make it vivid and lively. Some other places of tourist interest nearby this sanctuary are the Navegaon National Park, Itiadoh Dam, Tibetan camp at Gothangaon etc.
How to Reach:
To reach here the nearest airport is at Nagpur about 122 kms away and the nearest railway station is at Gondia, about 45 kms away. From these main points taxis and buses are available which will take you here. The nearest bus stand is at Sakoli about 22 kms away. For accommodation forest guesthouses are available within the reserve at reasonable prices.
Best time to visit – February to May, however the sanctuary remains open for the months of October to June and is closed during the rainy season.


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  1. Nice pictures and very amazing blog shared on Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary. if you planning a trip to Nagzira just visit Nagzira resort booking
