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» » Defeating the Depths of Grand Canyon

It was Nick Wallenda who dared to walk through the gaps of Grand Canyon
without using harness; threads, nets or any necessary equipment which are required during the course of Sky walk and to put it live on air Discovery Channel took the initiative. It was on Sunday when Wallenda followed the course of his grandfather and walked the lines of 1400 ft and made him one of the proud members of his family who regularly challenged the heights and performed such an impulsive task.

Following the credential of Nick Wallenda, Todd Berger said that he was not only the one who had risked their life to come out as victorious, there are many star stunt man who loves to risk their life and surrenders all their potential to qualify the call of the Canyon.

Although not much of the stunts gets a permit to perform their show within the proximity of the Grand Canyon National Park because the officials there denies the run of such activist who feels like they have lived the moment while performing the stunt.

Wallenda who performed his endeavour at the Little Colorado River George which is the part of the Canyon called for an extreme level risk. To quote the word of Park Public affairs officer, Maureen Oltrogge our mission is protection of resource which is not expected to be run by the stunt man and his performances.

However trailing the mark of exception behind here are some of the stunts which were performed by gallant daredevils to prove that they could even escape the moment of death to live the mist of eternity.

Flying Low

It was in August 1922 when Royal V. Thomas after an approval from the Park superintendent landed here with his Lincoln Standard Biplane within the premises Grand Canyon National Park to perform his ever historic stunts which was not so established that time.

Mr. Thomas after checking his plane and with the green signal from the park superintendent heeds his head high and flies his Lincoln and based his wheels on the ground which was supported by the tiny landing strip and what was more shocking that the strip was just 50 ft high from the level of land.

Berger in his book, It Happened at the Grand Canyon writes, Thomas completed one pass over the landing area and then again flew high and away, just to take a circle and pullback the throttle, waved his hand to the crowd before landing and then drop the biplane into the spinning freefall in the direction of landing location.

During an email interview he noted that people do this entire stunt in order to get fame and money and such course was followed exponent during the call if 1901.

Crazy Ride
It was in September month of 1980, the gorge of Canyon was again challenged by another daredevil who was looking to perform crazy ride in order to live the moment of his life and that gallant activist was Dar Robinson.

Dar Robinson after getting permission and wearing all the safety gears speeded up like a jet flew over the ramp which was set on the frame of the Canyon rushed his white Bradley GT sportscar before the car fell and he leaped out of the cage while holding the harness of his Parachute.

Dar Robinson who doubled the leap of the Steve McQueen jump off the crag in the movie Papillion was actually deprived of the permission for his stunt within the floor of the National Park of Grand Canyon and to complete his task of action he landed on Hualapai Indian Reservation and performed his show for the reality television show called That's Incredible.

Leap of Faith

Evel Kenivel who was an American stunt performer was renowned for his motorcycle stunts and during his life he always had a dream of leaping across the height of Grand Canyon through the help of his Motorcycle.

Though he never had an opportunity to perform the same but it was his don Robbie Kenivel who took the ramp on May 20 1999 shoring the narrow part of the canyon which belongs to the Hualapai Nation agreed to his word and allowed him to perform the same with the hopes of growing number of tourist.
Soaring 228 ft Robbie left the ramp with the top speed of 80 mph to advance towards the height to prove Canyon wrong and soon as he completed the ride while beating his own world record the fire work started taking the stage to celebrate his success.

Skating Off the Edge

Bob Burnquist and the world would remember the date of March 23, 200g when he leaped off the 40 feet with top speed glided on the rail had its extension from the ramp, measuring the length of 1500ft just above the floor of the canyon.

The moment he released himself from the ramp into the canyon he had nothing but a skateboard, a parachute and a brave nerve to take the height and in terms of preparation he had parachute from a helicopter in the similar place.

It's not a bird or a plane, its jet man

Yves Rossy who was renowned as Jetman was an ex-Swiss pilot and was specialised in designing his custom jet suit with the help of motors. It was on May 7, 2011 he took an initiative to glide above the height of 8000 ft over the floor of canyon and during his course he was on the air for eight minutes and exceeded the top speed while marking the boost of 190 mph.

The stunt took over the heights of Hualapai Reservation's Guano Point and during his stunt he pushed himself for five miles and then he released his parachute and gradually kissed the mark of success while descending from the floor of Canyon.

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