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» » First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, the Largest Bison Cliff Jump in North America

First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park is a Montana state park, located at a distance of about 5.6 km towards northwest of the quaint town of Ulm,
in United States. The park is one of the three protected buffalo jumps in the state.
The park is spread over an area of about 1,840 acre that preserves and interprets a historic “buffalo jump” and is possibly the largest bison cliff jump in North America. Now an archaeological site, it was used by the native people to hunt bison by driving them over cliffs.

The bison jump site includes a mile long sandstone cliff, where you can see the remnants of drive lines on top of the cliff. Also, there are up to 18 ft of crushed buffalo remains found below the cliff. The park consists of an informative trail, picnic tables and a visitor center, which helps in understanding the epic history of hunting on the high plains.

In order to pay honor to the buffalo and the people who respect this mighty animal, the park is facilitated with an educational visitor center. The center includes a storytelling circle, gallery, buffalo culture exhibits, classroom and a bookstore. You can also find amphitheater and traditional games playing fields that are featured as among the attractive outdoor activities of the park.

For more than six hundred years, Indians used the mighty buffalos over the mile-long cliff. At present, you will get picturesque views of the Missouri River valley, the grasslands and the Rocky Mountain Front from the top of the cliff.

Flora and Fauna
A diverse species of plants and animals can be spotted at this park. The variety of plant species that you can find in this area are needle and thread grass, blue-branch wheatgrass, prickly cactus and blue grama. 

The area is also inhabited with a variety of wild animals, like the black-tailed prairie dogs, ferruginous hawks, gopher eagle, great horned owls, mice, American badgers, porcupines, burrowing owls, racer snakes, sharp-tailed grouse, coyotes, mule deer, raccoons, western rattlesnakes and few others.

Every year, the Native American Cultural Fair is held in this park, during the month of September. The event includes demonstrations of traditional Native American culture, art show, songs, lectures, traditional Native American games, demonstrations of buffalo hide tanning and stories. 

An atlatl contest is also held during this time, which attracts participants from different places in West America. The event includes both atlatl making courses and both accuracy as well as distance contests.

Activities like hunting with bow and arrow, picnicking, hiking, picnicking, bird watching, photography, sightseeing and wildlife viewing can be enjoyed at this place. Note that bow and arrow hunting is limited to certain area within the park. It is advisable to the visitors to wear heavy hiking boots and watch your children closely while visiting this park. 

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