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» » Malana, As One of the Oldest Democrats of World

Malana the pristine beauty of Himachal Pradesh is actually a pre historic hamlet
which is surrounded by the lights of Parvati valley and the Kullu valley. Solitary bliss which is obtained by 100 of rural inhabitants is often regarded as little Greece of India.

Nestled within the womb of terrestrial plateau that sits adjacent to the eternal flow of Malana River the unique civilisation of the place remains isolated from the fringes of contemporary and conventional art of evolution.

The people living within the shades of Malana are very strict is terms of following the protocol of their custom and under any subject or circumstances the people here would not compromise with the century crossed rituals and tradition.

An exclusive dale of Malana and its people were subject to many amazing documentaries and amongst all the name of Lost Identities require special mention because it has covered the prodigy and excellence of Malana and the fact related with it.

Renowned as Athens of Himalaya every individual here considered himself as a predecessor of Alexander, talking about the social structure of Malana than it is much inherited and they follow Jamblu Devta as the sole coordinator and administrator of their life.

History of Malana Village
When it comes to the chronicles of the Malana then it shares its healthy relation with Jamlu Rishi who is believed to have lived here and during his course he chalked the guidelines of living along with numerous rules and regulation which are meant to be followed and those who dispute against would be questioned by the society.

Traveller would be shocked to understand that Malana democracy is one of the oldest in the world and the people living here are considered to be the descendents of Aryans has found their history on the immortals of narration.

The people living here are believed to have acquired independence during the call of Mughal reign and they were the sole inspiration while developing the course of democracies.

Another tale which is associated with the legacy of Malana dates back the reign of Akbar. The Mughal emperor is believed to have walked the dale of Malana in order to cure the acute ailment and after finding the cure he was so happy with the villagers that he announced the village to be tax free.

When it comes to their dialect then they speak the local language which is renowned as Kanashi/Raksh and as per believe the language that they use to communicate with each shares relation with Sanskrit and Tibetan dialect.
Culture and Lifestyle
Since we learnt that Malana is amongst the oldest Republic of world the whole cultural and traditional helms of Lifestyle surrounds the core of the Jamblu Devta who is believed to be the sole orgy of the people.

The entire social and traditional rituals are followed by the norms of the council which is administered by 11 council members and each of the members is believed to be the delegates of the Jamblu Devta.

The entire procedure of the society bows their head to Jamblu devta and administration of the village is administered by the members of council and they have the actual rights to decide and say their verdict.

Any dispute or contradiction failing to act against the law of the council may result in elimination of the Villager therefore everyone here are expected to follow the norms.

People from outside the core of Malana are considered to be impure and they are also under the fold of their rules and regulation. Any visitors or Non-Malanis requires permit to enter within the shore of the village and they are advised not to touch anything which is related with the norms of council.

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