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» » Chronological Remnants of Martand Sun Temple

Located within the boundary of Anantanag in Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir
Martand Sun Temple which at present reflects in glory via its remnants is a temple which is dedicated to ever gracious Sun God.

Chronological walls of the temple in fact is a golden page of history because it relates the exclusive architecture skills of the worker of that age and reflects generous wisdom who collaborated entire outstanding pattern to develop the site of temple.


When we talk about its historical morphology than traveller must understand that foundation stone of the temple was laid during 500 AD and then the main work was carried forward by King of Karkota Dynasty Lalitaditya Muktapida.

It was only during 8thcentury when magnificent site of temple completed its work and from the very beginning of its induction people of that era came to revere the site of temple. When it comes to attribute the work of the historical temple traveller must understand that it was Ranaditya who completely helped and contributed to complete the task.

However the flourishing environment and infrastructure of temple was completely destroyed by Sikandar Butshikan during 15th century but according to folklore it took him 365 days of continuous work to uproot the epitome of Martand Sun Temple.

Architecture and Style
When it comes to appreciate the excellence of architecture than the first thing that we must look to admire is its location. Established at the top of plateau from here one can view the entire surroundings of Kashmir.

Although magnetic walls of the Martand Sun Temple is lying down the ground but the relevance and significance of it has not lost the relevance. According archaeological findings the walls of the temple structured itself in a blend of typical Kashmiri style. Beside that here you would witness mixture of Gandharan, Gupta, Chinese, Roman, Syrian-Byzantine and Greek forms of architecture which in turn has made the temple exquisite and chronological.

Colonnaded courtyard and centrepiece shrine which measures the height of 220 feet long and 142 feet broad speaks the volume. Strong square limestone and Greek pattern pillars as per the historians connotes the brilliant wisdom of Lalitaditya Muktapida.

Present Status
Ruins of Martand temple at present can be considered significant archaeological sites of the country. You would be shock to understand that even today the remnants of the site is considered as one of the excellent architecture walks of that time.

If you will come here you would not stop yourself while appreciating the skills and talents of the builder who worked considerably hard to established the wall of temple. After the call of Independence the newly formed government of India developed the site as tourist attraction by enabling all the essential amenities.

Site of National Importance
Owing to its historical importance the site has been declared as protected and site of National Importance by the archaeological department of India.

Journey here would be an amazing experience to understand entire morphology of the temple because it might looks denuded into lands but the glory it adds in Indian History is impeccable and irreplaceable.

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