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» » Keoladeo Ghana National Park as Bird Paradise

Keoladeo Ghana National Park as a man made wetlands
is one of the most renowned national parks of India. Well-known for its avifauna traveller would be shock to know that the sanctuary houses over 230 species of birds making it one of the environmental and biological in terms of its vistas.

When it comes to trace its history than it trace back the narration of centuries and that has been a sole reason for UNESCO to recognise the area as the heritage site of UNESCO. Named after shive temple to stop the natural depression Maharaja Suraj Mal constructed the bund to stop flooding. 

The park during its initial stage served as a hunting place of maharajas and the duck shoot used to get organised by the local authority during the call of 1850s to honour the governance of British Viceroy.

After the call of independence the site was declared as national park in 1982 and at present owing to its diversity in vegetation and avifauna the park has become an important site where number of migratory birds prevails in during the time of summer.


When it comes to the principle vegetation of the park than it includes tropical dry deciduous forest, dry grassland, shrubs and woodland which in turn has made the park one of the richest in terms of vegetation.


Various invertebrate insects, mammals, aquatic animals, birds, animal species and several endangered animals have made this park their house which in turn would give you an opportunity to take an insight regarding the importance of conservation.


When it comes to tourism importance than the site is visited by series of ornithologist and biological and zoological students to do some research in their subject. As mentioned above that park is home to series of birds which in turn would offer splendid opportunity to bird watchers to spend some quiet time while witnessing the might of the same.

Entry Fee

To visit the park foreigners would require paying Rs 200 and for native it is only 50.


Traveller should not worry about the accommodation problem because within the area of the park they have Bharatpur Forest Lodge which is maintained and run by ITDC. Beside that there are many palaces, heritage hotels, circuit and bungalows where you can look to spend your night.

Within the site of the park one can look to trail within the reserve by opting for rickshaw or boating which means a journey could be adventurous and natural.

How to Reach

By air- the nearest airport to reach Keoladeo Ghana National Park is Delhi airport or Jaipur airport. 

By train-the nearest railway station to reach the park is Bharatpur Junction which is located at a distance of around 5 km from the park.

By road- from Delhi and nearby areas one can look to travel by road because there are ample of bus services can be avail from Mathura, Jaipur, Alwar, Agra and other adjoining areas.

So come here because paradise of bird is waiting for you to advent its flourishing environment which is enthralled by numerous species of snakes, mammals, fish, floral fauna, amphibian, lizards and turtles.

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