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» » Experience Chambal Safari at National Chambal Sanctuary

Nestled within the ambience of Chambal River which is at the Tri point of Rajasthan
, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh the national park here is home to critically endangered animals like Crocodile, red-crowned roof turtle and Ganges River Dolphin.

Since the site of the national park interlocks the border of three states so the management process is handled by all the three states. All the animals here are the rarest of rare and during the course of civilisation they lost half of their breed and at present all the animals are almost on the line of extinction.


It was in 1978 when administrative blocks approved and authorised it as a national park and protected area under the order no of 17-74/77-FRY and when it comes to claim the status of Sanctuary than 18(1) of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 provided sufficient reason to make it wildlife sanctuary.

Conservation Management

As mentioned above the site is protected under the constitutional act of Wildlife Protection 1972 so the field of sanctuary is managed and supervised by department of forest of Madhya Pradesh. It is very sad to learn that part of the sanctuary is threatened by illegal mining which in turn has made difficult for crocodile to initiate with their breeding process at the same time the situation is hampering lotic ecosystem.

So to prevent such measures ministry of forest and environment have set up National Tri-State Chambal Sanctuary Management and Coordination Committee to protect the crocodiles of the Chambal sanctuary.


Within the thick bushes of Chambal national park you are sure to witness endangered animals like crocodile, red-crowned roof turtle and Ganges River Dolphin. Beside that within the boundary that commands the area of 5,400 km you will get to see Muggar crocodile, Smooth-coated Otter, Striped Hyena, Indian narrow-headed softshell turtle, Three-striped roof turtle and crowned river turtle.

When it comes to other reptiles than sanctuary houses Indian flapshell turtle, Soft Shell turtle, Indian roofed turtle, Indian tent turtle and Monitor lizard.

Now coming down to an existence of mammal than you have presence of Rhesus Macaque, Hanuman Langur, Golden Jackal, Bengal Fox, Common Palm Civet, Indian Small Mongoose, Indian Grey Mongoose, Jungle cat, Wild Boar, Sambar etc.

Traveller must understand that the site is heaven for bird watchers because within the site of sanctuary you will get to see amazing species of birds like migratory birds from Siberia, Indian skimmer, Sarus Crane, Pallas's Fish Eagle and Indian Courser etc.

Best Time to Visit

Expect to come here during the month between November to March to witness the vivid perks of National Chambal Sanctuary.

Things to Do

The best thing you can look to do while coming here is go for Chambal Safari to witness every adventurous perks of the National Chambal Sanctuary. Beside that make sure to try bird watching which would give you an opportunity to understand the behaviour of migratory and vivid species of birds.

Expect to go for boating and river safari within the lake of Chambal and forest excursion would complete the journey of National Chambal Sanctuary.

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