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» » Fertile Prospects of Ambubachi Mela

Ambubachi Mela which is celebrated within the celestial
ambiance of Kamakhya Devi Temple is an annual festival which is celebrated during the call of monsoon season.  It is a 4 days long festival and it is closely knitted with the Kamkhya Devi Puja who is believed to be a sole orgy of universal power. 

The festival is celebrated with great ritual aspects and the access to it is observed by performing Tantrik means which is an exclusive feature of the celebration.

According to local people this festival celebrates the fertility of Mother Earth and during such occasion it is believed that Mother goes through the period of menstruation which automatically nurtures the power of menses.

Historical Facts
According to historical accounts or rather say in context of mythology people are of believed that during the time of 4 day celebration Mother Earth goes through the phase of annual menstruation. It is very evident within 3 days the gates of temple are closed to evade impure elements and on 4th day Tantric cult gathers around the temple to celebrate the feast.

When It Is Celebrated
As mentioned above it is an annual festival that comes into picture during the Assamese month of Ahaar and one must understand that it marks the month of monsoon which falls during the month of June.

How It Is Celebrated
As season of monsoon marks it presence in the month of June which according to tantric cult is the month when Mother Earth goes into period of annual menstruation. During three days doors and every spaces of temple are closed and farmers deny ploughing their field to observe the cycle of menstruation. It is believed that water of the pond turns red and in the fourth day devotes dips the cotton into ponds which is said to bring auspicious and prosperity in family.

During the phase of annual menstruation people are advised not to read the books, not to plough a field and not to perform any religious activities but it is on the fourth day whole of Assam gets into an act of celebration. During this festival you will witness tantric saints, Sadhu and Agori coming from all across the nation to take part in celebration.

On the fourth day farmers gathers in their field to plough and seed their land and Mother Earth is dip into water for holy bath and after that doors of the temple are opened where in you can look to offer your prayer and tribute to Mother Earth. During this festival rural craft are put into show and Prasad which is made out of small bits of cloth is distributed amongst devotee.

Main Activities
During the time of festival or say after an elapse of three days Mother Earth is purified by performing holy rituals and then they commemorate the deeds of tantric by inviting sadus and agori from all across the nation. Beside that festival is a grant occasion where rural art is encouraged and to see the same traveler comes from all across the world because it not only reflects the cultural aspect of the people but it infuse the importance of religious festivals.
Where All It Is Celebrated

Traveler must understand that Kamakhya Devi Temple is amongst the 51 Shakti Peethas of Hindu mythology and the festival is officially celebrated within the holy ambience of Kamakhya Devi Temple which is considered as amongst the most venerated temples of Guwahati. 

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