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» » Tourism is not only for Enjoyment but is also Educative

Based on the theme of ‘Indian tourism monuments and south Indian epigraphy’, a two-day photo expo has been commenced on Monday at the University of Madras
. It also included a national seminar on the role of the Indian History and archaeology in endorsing tourism in India.
300 photographs of Indian historical monuments sent by 26 circle offices of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) were on exhibition at the expo.
Among the total photographs 250 photographs showcasing the monuments of Tamil Nadu were displayed on the expo including photographs of temples and other religious structures from the districts of Pudukkottai and Tiruchi etc.     
All the photographs showcased on the exhibition were escorted with a descriptive index with a detail on its origin and history.
 “As a concept, tourism has existed since past with varied people travelling to far-off holy places thus giving birth to other forms of tourism like wildlife, education and environment tourism. This expo has been created with a view of completing this concept,” said J Soundarrajan, assistant professor of the Department of Ancient History and Archaeology in University of Madras instructing on the basis of this expo. To aid outline the development of the languages from the aged old Grantha scripts to their current day forms, the event target to emphasize the Dravidian languages which are chiefly the four languages of South India, he added.
Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) which is a Central government institution is supporting the event by funding it. Soundarrajan said that the funding is around Rs. 1 lakh and is being used for offering accommodation and food to the participants who have come here from across India to present papers on the topic. 
Selected from a pool of 160, 80 academicians will be presenting papers at the event. ‘Tourism is not just for enjoyment but it is an educative process’ is the bottom line for the event.     


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