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» » Some Simple Tips to Make Your Long Distance Train Journey, A Bit of a Fun

When you board a train for a long-distance journey, you are generally pretty much excited with the prospect of the enjoyment
and fun that lies ahead. But after a few hours of journey on the train, you will start getting bored with nothing to do, especially when your train is travelling through no-network zone, thus prohibiting you in usage of your cell phone.
So, at this point of time you have got no one to talk to or text. For such situations, we have provided you with some tips to make your long distance journey on train a bit more exciting.  

Carry Music Player:While packing for your journey, do not forget to carry along with a music player like the iPod, iPad or even your smart phone can come handy with a collection of some good music. Before getting along with your journey, do take out some time to make a travel playlist and add it into your choice of music player. It is advisable to not to rely on the radio as your cell phone might not pick up frequency at every point of the journey. Also, do make sure that your gadgets are fully charged before you start your journey and carry a charger or an additional battery.

Get Friendly With Co-Passengers: The best way to pass your time during the long distance journey is to get friendly with your fellow passenger and start the conversation, which is if they seem to be trusted. The co-passengers may belong to different cast and culture but may share some common interest, so it will be fun gossiping about some current affairs or even the blockbuster movie. 

Take A Stroll Through The Compartments: You can also enjoy a casual walk along the compartments of the train, which are interlinked with each other. This can be quite a fun, especially if you are feeling extremely bored while sitting on your seat for a long time during your journey.

Reading: Reading your favorite novel or magazine is always a best pass time while travelling on a train for a long duration. If you have a lower berth and want to get an uninterrupted session of reading, you could trade your seat with another passenger on the upper berth. 

Get Down On Halts: You can also get down at some halts in between the journey, especially if you are sure that the train will stop for around 15 to 20 minutes. This will allow you to refresh yourself with some local food at the station and you can also enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea at these stations. Some of these stations will have book stalls, where you can purchase some interesting books or magazines to read upon during your journey.

Write: Writing is another good pass time during your train journey, which can also be quite profitable for you, as you can jot down some notes on things to do and organize plans for your destination ahead, if you are on a vacation. If you are travelling back to your home, you can write down the things to do in your home or in your office for the month ahead.

Enjoy the View:Sometimes, watching and engrossing yourself in watching the views outside, can also be a good pass time. The views outside, when the train is passing through a beautiful location or green paddy fields, will let you wonder in some fond memories.  

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