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» » Tips to Make the Stay in India Much More Comforting For the Beginners

India is certainly an incredible country and surely a unique one with so many cultures and religions existing in this vibrant nation.
In fact, India is a country, which is very hard to be described in mere words.
You have to get to this country to experience its vibrant colors and the sheer enthusiasm of the people, even when the majority of them are not living in the finest of the standards. 

 When you visit this nation, you will certainly have a mixture of emotions like baffled, impressed and captivated, at the same time it leaves you frustrated, angry and stunned. You will experience the aroma of incense at various places, scorching heat and the never ending traffic. The nation is full of mesmerizing and educative places.

Prior the visit
You must be well aware that before coming to India, you require a holiday visa and travel insurance in case of a single trip. This is obviously going to take some time, so you got to get along with the process well ahead of your vacation in India. The chief requirements are the name and address of your accommodation and quite a lot of personal details.

 You need to provide two passport size photo, not the standard size but larger ones. You may also need some vaccinations depending on the destination you are visiting in India. For example, if you are visiting a metropolitan destination, you may not necessarily require a malaria shot or tablets, but trekking in the hills probably will.

Incredible India
Most people fly into recently renovated Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. You might get stunned with the fine standard of this airport. The adventure begins with your introduction to the scorching heat and noise. It’s advisable to sort out your transport in advance, organize a taxi or hire a driver for the duration of your stay in this country.

 If you have hired a driver, make sure that he handles your luggage and no one else, as there will be many opportunist in the airport car park who will volunteer to help you and later ask pounds or dollars for their assistance which is obviously expensive compared to Indian rupees. 

After the wide and fairly empty roads leading from Delhi Airport, you will come across the busy roads of the country, with cows wandering on the roads, risky-looking auto rickshaws, packed cars, overloaded buses, vehicles which do not look in good shape and beeping of horns.

The saddest as well as hard fact of India is that even after 67 years of independence, the majority of the nation’s population is still under poverty line. You will find beggars in almost every corner of the country. If you are generous enough, keep some change to offer the beggars.  

In spite of their situation, Indian people are highly generous and ever welcoming. If you are ever invited by an Indian family, you will surely experience the warmth and happiness with which they treat their guests. In fact, traditionally Indians treat their guests as equivalent to God. It will pleasant if you can offer some Hindi words to the hosts, like ‘shukryah’ which means thank you and ‘kripyah’ for please.

You have to take extra care of your health, when you visit India, as the sanitization standards are not too good as compared many international countries. You should avoid tap water, as this will not suit you. Always carry mineral water for drinking. 

Surely, avoid street food, though they quite tasty, it may be hazardous to your health, as they are quite spicy and oily. It’s better to opt for vegetarian food than the meats, as they are lot more comfortable to digest considering the high temperature of the country.

Avoid crowds
Too many people may sometimes cramp some lonely travelers to India. If you find yourself frustrated with the overwhelming crowds of the Indian cities, you can opt for the more scenic and tranquil hill stations of the country. The climate at these places is much more pleasing and adjustable.  

Hope that with the above mentioned tips, the first timers in India will have a fun and comfortable stay in the country. 

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