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» » Horizon of wonders

We starts our day with a ray of sun, that gives us an energy to perform an activities and most importantly grace us with its presence of beauty and energy,
but how many of us have witnessed a beauty
of its journey or the point from where it rise and gives us a beauty and illustrates our world with its light that calls of the darkness of Night.As we all know it rises from east and sets at west, so how about taking a time out to pay a visit and witness a beauty of its origin.

Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA
What would you do witness a beauty of rising sun at a pristine location of Haleakala National Park in Maui, than trust me you have to do nothing, only thing you require to see a beauty of its kind is you need to wake as early as possible, as the visitors come here near at around 3 of morning to see a beauty rising out of its shell. Pay a visit here to witness a beauty of origin.

Svalbard, Norway
Situated at the north of Arctic Circle, sun rise here blooms like a flower out of tender buds, a beauty of gloom marked by a rising ray of sun, to see a rising tide of sun is as majestic as watching a bond inspecting a beauty of case.

Angkor Wat Siem Reap, Cambodia
Spectacular view of rising sun here gives a feeling of watching a horizon from a podium of beauty, an early walk here can offer you a beauty of scaling sun, beside a beauty of phenomena, pristine beauty of temple here carries a significance of Hindu mythology.
Being a premier spot, where tourist gathers in number to witness a beauty of sun rise, a place here is just a magnificent work of nature, serenity of seas marks a beauty of Fiji at its south region where pacific flows eternal.
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Climb a beauty of heights of Klli, which is around — 19,341 feet above sea level, is a beauty where you could get a perfect click of sun rise from a top, watching an everglade beauty of nature is a fun here where you could reveal a beauty of Kilimanjaro along with a ray of rising sun.

Stonehenge, England
People here gathers in number to worship a sun during a time of vernal equinox , which holds a specific importance as far their values and ethics are concerned, known for its beauty of sun rise a place here is of amazing beauty and landscape.

7 Tres Cruces, PERU
Towards a beauty of Machu Picchu, Tres cruces is a beauty of location where sun has its address of beauty, glaring magnificent of rising sun calls a million people from around a globe to circle here enjoy an enchantment of wonders.
Tulum, Mexico
Filled with a beauty of culture and a wonders of history, this place speaks a language of beauty, where on one hand a beauty of oasis of coastal drives million people to pilgrim and rest held their head high to enjoy a first step of beauty.

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Reflection of beauty and a profusion of vibrant colors that changes with every tick of sun on the side, this place lures a beauty, serenity soaked by a beauty of sun, Grand Canyon is surely a place where you would love to stick in and witness a beauty of rising sun.

Mount Sinal, Egypt
Carrying a historical and religious beliefs, this place have been described at a pages of torah, bible and Koran, people her flocks to witness a beauty mount Sinal, where you could see a believers in numbers exploring a beauty of sun rise.

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