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» » Tarkwa Hills- A Gateway to Nature’s Splendour

Tarkwa Hills is just the place where you want to be if you are seeking for a place to rejuvenate yourself in Ghana
. I did not have much idea about this place before landing in this pristine location.
This scenic hill is situated in a short distance of Tarkwa Manganese Company and I was completely awe-struck with its beauty. Luckily, the climate was perfect at the place when we reached the location.

The lush green tranquil hills is an amusing area where you would love to have a quite stroll around and the grass over here is so smooth that one lie down for eternity of time and enjoy the scenic surroundings. One would surely get attracted towards this smooth grass land and wouldn’t want to leave the place. 

There is a Manganese House in this place where you will see a lawn tennis court. But looking at it I got the idea that a game of tennis was played on this court a long time ago. You cannot blame the local people for this as the inhabitants of Ghana are not quite acquainted with the sport of lawn tennis. Even with its isolated state, I figured out that the court was a perfect place to host some tennis tournaments along with some lower level competitions. 

The hills of this region also hold some medicinal trees and fruits like avocado pea. In addition to its medicinal values, I have to admit that the hills’ slopes are beautifully decorated with the blossoming wild flowers. 

As I sit beside the bed of flowers and jot down some notes, I was reminded of some memorable moments when I was in school. The parks were the favourite place for the boys and girls to date with each other and you used to feel somewhat delightful during that time, dating with your crush amid the colourful flowers of the garden. Now, the days and I have grown a bit old to feel those same feelings again. Sad, but it’s true.

The place also has a golf course for which some tress is planted at strategic places. The trees standing isolated with each other, at a fair distance, seems like they are there to enjoy the game of golf or to encourage the participants. Nevertheless, they added prettiness to the place making it a lovely place to enjoy a golf game.

The place certainly gives you a chance to taken in some fresh air into your lungs which must be in a very bad state with the air of the city. It is a perfect place for retreat away from the pollution and chaos of the city life.

The streams located at corner parts of the golf course certainly gave a magnetic feeling to the place. While the hills bordering the course gives you a view to cherish. I also noticed birds of diverse shapes and colours chirping while wondering around the golf course.  

There is bungalow placed on top of the hills and a restaurant beside the course. As I walk around the area I found out that I recognize some of the trees of this area, like the cocoa, palm, coconut, mango, India Almond, Teak and few others.

As you watch over a rail running through the track in the valley seems like a snake form a distance.
Tarka Hills is a perfect gateway to experience the serenity and the beauty of the nature.

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