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» » Choose Tour Management Company properly or you Might End up with Nightmare Tour

Mumbai: Honeymoon is the most memorable holiday of life for newlywed couples but for the 24 newlywed couples, honeymoon tour organized by Kesari Tours turned out to be nightmare.
  The couples for their trip paid 40,000 for an eight nights and nine days trip for honeymoon package, but they did not get any services as such promised during the time of booking by the tour operator.

The couples, who left from the Delhi-Chandigarh-Shimla- Manali tour on May 23, alleged that they were not give proper facilities and services as promised. Instead of three star hotels, included in the package, they were made to accommodate in normal hotels. In the scorching heat of the sun, they were made to rest in normal hotels with no facilities. The rooms were not clean and there was no proper management. 

One of the honeymooners alleged that the water coming from the tap was not healthy and was muddy. However when the hotel manager was called, he convinced that the water is coming from borewell, though muddy, it is healthy for used. 

Once we left Chandigarh and reached Shimla, there was no hot water facility in the rooms. Beside contrary to what we were promised, there was no proper and healthy food.
Prachi and Yogesh Sathe, one of the couples, said, "the hotel did not had light at night and more over, a soup which was served to us has Cockroach. “

Madhvi and Atul Shah said, “We not only faced several problems for a week on our tour, but the tour was badly managed and the tour operators were also behaving irresponsibly”.
Another couple, Chandani and Dhanajay Shinde, said they were cheated by the tour operators and none of the services were worth the money we paid for our honeymoon trip. 

But however, Ashwani Lokhande, guest relation manager of Kesari Tours, denied all the allegations made by the couples on the services provided by the Kesari Tours. He said “We had explained all the rules and regulations to them at the time of booking. One has to follow certain norms while travelling in a group. If they aren't comfortable with that, they can opt for individual holiday packages."

On one of the complaints made the couples, hotel having no electricity at night, he explained and said that "As it was pouring heavily in Shimla for the last two days, there was no electricity in the entire city."
Beside that he said that there are people who aren’t happy and keep complaining about the services to defame the image of the company. 

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