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Are you looking out for activities
this summer? If yes, then surfing is what you got to keep on the top priority of your to do list. Surprised? If you are one of the believers who believe that surfing happens to be only in HawaiiAustralia or Maldives, then you got to format your minds.
India has a 7000-km long coastline & has some of the best spots for surfing. Beginners can get their feet wet when ever they want in the 3 -5 ft range of waves. In the pre and post monsoons the wave’s height reaches between 8-15 feet. One can find perfect conditions at any of these beaches listed below.

Mulki, Karnataka: is Thirty kilometers north of Mangalore. It is this tiny village of Mulki where surfing expectations can be huge. April to September is the season time for surfing here as the waves range from 3 to 9 ft in height during this time. 

Gokarna: Could anyone think of Gokarna the small town which is a home to the Mahabaleshwar Temple, as one of the major surfing destination in India? Gokarna is just 150 kms from Goa. For the learners and beginners the favorable month is October and May and for professional who love surfing the best time is between June and September. During these months, the waves reach to the height of 6.5 ft high.

Kovalam: If you are one among those who want to visit all year long then Kovalam Beach in Kerala is the best place to be with long rides which go unto 400 meters. The waves go high as 5 to 6 ft during the rainy season that is from May till September. And so is a good place for professional surfers to be in but beginners shall visit in between October & April, as the waves are gentler then.

Varkala: In recent years Varkala has become renowned place for surfing. It lies close to Kovalam. The waves are usually not high, but between 2 – 5 ft for the most popular times. Between September and November and from March to May are the times which are considered best to be here.

Dwarka: Dwarka is a place which combines surfing and spiritualism. Dwarka is famous for being one of the clearest water resources. And this 5,000 years old town is to be visited by surfers during monsoon.

Kanyakumari: Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu is known for the big waves and lot of rain during monsoons. It is a very windy place and the waves here (from January till April) go as high as 6 to 7 ft. The wave recorded in 2007 was a 20ft (highest)! This is not the place for beginners then this is a place to be. 

Puri, Orissa: Puri in Orissa is one of the favorite and hot surfing spots in India. Here the breathtaking waves that soars up to 9ft high during the monsoon season, makes it an ideal place for surfers to enjoy the adrenaline rush running surfing.

Puri is known to be one of the ‘hot surfing spots’ list of India. Full length waves that go up to 9ft high during the monsoons from July till September.

Unlike other adventure activities like bungee jumping, paragliding etc it is surfing which is new on list. And this is the best season for surfing. So take out the swim suits and surfboards and head for the beach before the big waves turn down and become normal.

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