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» » Some of the Colourful Festivals around the World

Since we know that every nation has their own calls of occasion and festivals which they look to celebrate with bang
and through this article today we are going to talk about some of the colourful festivals of the world.

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta which is held during the early call of October is the prevalent hot air ballooning fair of the world where thousands of participator comes with their multi coloured balloons and host the height with the calls of their distend.

It was in 1972 when few numbers came in to take part in festival and soon after realising its importance and initiative many gathered around the site of New Mexico which is renowned for topographical features and flew their ways to the height.

The weeklong festival which goes down under for actually 9 days relates the joy of the people where traveller from all across the world comes to witness the lights of the event and appreciates the call of unification.

Carnival of Rio de Janeiro
Before the commencement of Lent every year the entire city of Brazil gets into action for six days and it is during the call of the six days the traveller from across the world gathers to enjoy the flamboyant occasion of Brazil.

Renowned as carnival of Rio de Janeiro, the streets of Brazil during this festival is sprawled by the might of colours, performers, artist, samba dancer, musician and many more. It would be more than just a pleasure to see them enjoying the course of festival and the amount of entertainment you will witness here are sure to carry your mind away.

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is obviously the biggest holiday in China, starting from the eve of New Years Eve which last till the day of Lantern festival. During the eve of New Year the local people rinse their house to exfoliate the dirt and to mistune their ill-fortune. Beside that they decorates doors and windows to welcome prosperity with red paper and celebrates the calls by cracking firecrackers and lights up the sky with eternal sounds of it.

The New Year parade starts off the proceeding with their performances but it is lantern festival that steals the voice of crowds, imagine letting those lantern take the height when whole of the world sleeps a night of dreams it is them who illustrates the night with the vivid call of Lantern.

Harbin International Ice Festival
Wish to see the international festival of ice and snow than walk down the north eastern part of China where dale of Harbin will welcome you with its coolest festival of winter. A month long festival which starts from 5thJanuary is literally the coolest festival on earth. 

When it comes to the main attraction of the festival then one must witness the ice lantern show at night, the Snow Sculpture Art Expo on Sun Island, and beautiful diving performances on the frozen Songhua River.

As they the beauty of this festival was started during the call of 1985 and today the festival is one of the most colourful and designated festivals around the world.

The festival of Holi is a yearly festival where every households plunges in to celebrate the festival of colours. As per the belief the auspicious occasion removes the entire negative rudiments and spurs in the prosperity and opulence.

Dry colour and coloured water which are sprinkled and foiled in each other course is the main attraction of the celebration and for farmers the festival relates the call of springs because after the days of it the whole country portrays the vivid and vistas of blossoms and marks the end of winter.

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