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NEW YORK — on this eve of thanksgiving there are not much good news for fliers as the airports will be cramped with a masses and with few planes
you have a less chance to find an empty seats and to sit at a site of your desire one you might have to lose your pocket a bit.

 According to Airlines for America, the industry's trade and lobbying group, It is projected during 12 day of thanksgiving, 25.1 million people are planning to board to sky which as per the statistics is 1.5 percent higher than that of last year
With a growing estimation of 26 million people this year seems to be busiest year ever since the call of 2007.

The stats say Sunday, which is December 1 2.56 million are flying across followed by Wednesday which is November 27, it is estimated that 2.42 million would fly across a friendly skies and if you think thanksgiving day would witness some easy on flights than 1.44 million are expected to fly on this day.

But still you have a chance to board a flight by paying bit extra which would make your tour a comfy one at least it would buffer a damage if something happens wrong.

If you fail to rich in time or a weather forecast causes a delay than airlines would direct you to a next available flights however flights near capacity and an expectation to get an open seat would ask for a several days.

If you wish to rebook a flight than for further query you are require to Call a customer service representative make sure to call the airline directly and if you face a problem with a connection of phone line then try airlines overseas numbers, you would be ask to pay a long distance rate but then it would not ask you wait for long. At last consider tweet.

Make sure to buy a one day pass to the airline lounge here you would find drinks and snacks which won’t cost you at all but more precisely you would tag along with airlines staff who can arrange an empty seat for you with an exchange of cost.
If you wish to sit with your loved ones and don’t want to pay an extra cost for a premium coach it is very evident you have to sit apart.

Log in or register with who would send you a notification if widows seats are available with a cost of 99 cents it would send you an e-mail to notify you regarding the same.
Make sure to check an official websites of Airlines 5 days before your tour. And during this gap an elite fliers gets upgraded to first class and they start availing the seats another upgrade happens just 24 to 48 hours before you fly.

Check 24 hours before when airlines start availing more seats, If connecting, check for open seats 24 hours before the second flight departs.
Keep searching even after doing a check seat can be rearranged at airport kiosks and on some airlines' mobile applications.

Always remember to weigh a bag at home because anything over 50 pounds will cost you some extra amount.

Make sure you tag your bag before leaving always remember to tag it with your name and personal details for extra security carry a copy of intent with your cell phone number and the name of your hotel.

Do not pack medication or outfits for tomorrow meeting or wedding in the bag you are checking or even a bag which has your jewelry and electronics.

Carry a small canvas bag to put all your valuables because you could be asked for it to check it make sure you have all the valuables inside your handy bag.

India is certainly an incredible country and surely a unique one with so many cultures and religions existing in this vibrant nation.
In fact, India is a country, which is very hard to be described in mere words.
You have to get to this country to experience its vibrant colors and the sheer enthusiasm of the people, even when the majority of them are not living in the finest of the standards. 

 When you visit this nation, you will certainly have a mixture of emotions like baffled, impressed and captivated, at the same time it leaves you frustrated, angry and stunned. You will experience the aroma of incense at various places, scorching heat and the never ending traffic. The nation is full of mesmerizing and educative places.

Prior the visit
You must be well aware that before coming to India, you require a holiday visa and travel insurance in case of a single trip. This is obviously going to take some time, so you got to get along with the process well ahead of your vacation in India. The chief requirements are the name and address of your accommodation and quite a lot of personal details.

 You need to provide two passport size photo, not the standard size but larger ones. You may also need some vaccinations depending on the destination you are visiting in India. For example, if you are visiting a metropolitan destination, you may not necessarily require a malaria shot or tablets, but trekking in the hills probably will.

Incredible India
Most people fly into recently renovated Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi. You might get stunned with the fine standard of this airport. The adventure begins with your introduction to the scorching heat and noise. It’s advisable to sort out your transport in advance, organize a taxi or hire a driver for the duration of your stay in this country.

 If you have hired a driver, make sure that he handles your luggage and no one else, as there will be many opportunist in the airport car park who will volunteer to help you and later ask pounds or dollars for their assistance which is obviously expensive compared to Indian rupees. 

After the wide and fairly empty roads leading from Delhi Airport, you will come across the busy roads of the country, with cows wandering on the roads, risky-looking auto rickshaws, packed cars, overloaded buses, vehicles which do not look in good shape and beeping of horns.

The saddest as well as hard fact of India is that even after 67 years of independence, the majority of the nation’s population is still under poverty line. You will find beggars in almost every corner of the country. If you are generous enough, keep some change to offer the beggars.  

In spite of their situation, Indian people are highly generous and ever welcoming. If you are ever invited by an Indian family, you will surely experience the warmth and happiness with which they treat their guests. In fact, traditionally Indians treat their guests as equivalent to God. It will pleasant if you can offer some Hindi words to the hosts, like ‘shukryah’ which means thank you and ‘kripyah’ for please.

You have to take extra care of your health, when you visit India, as the sanitization standards are not too good as compared many international countries. You should avoid tap water, as this will not suit you. Always carry mineral water for drinking. 

Surely, avoid street food, though they quite tasty, it may be hazardous to your health, as they are quite spicy and oily. It’s better to opt for vegetarian food than the meats, as they are lot more comfortable to digest considering the high temperature of the country.

Avoid crowds
Too many people may sometimes cramp some lonely travelers to India. If you find yourself frustrated with the overwhelming crowds of the Indian cities, you can opt for the more scenic and tranquil hill stations of the country. The climate at these places is much more pleasing and adjustable.  

Hope that with the above mentioned tips, the first timers in India will have a fun and comfortable stay in the country. 

Tying the knot of marriage is a vital and the most crucial task in every human life
and talking about marriage, arranged marriage is one of the most popular and prevalent types of marriages in our society which has been continuing from past.

 It is one of a kind where you have to understand your partner in order to overcome any problems which may arise due to the unknowing circumstances. Whether you are marrying after falling in love or whether you are marrying to someone your parents have chosen, there are some things that you have to be aware or that you should know before involving in an arranged marriage.  

Here are some tips:
Stop Complaining: Arranged marriage! Responsibilities and Expectations. Things could turn heavier and more complaining but it is you who have to adjust and not they, they will make an environment which best suits you. But, at the end of the day it is up to you to make yourself comfortable.   

For making a perfect bond with your partner and the family, all you should do is share and care. Share whenever any problem with you arises and care at any time when your partner or any other member of the family need it. In the beginning days, avoid the harsh moves or avoidance that your partner shows towards you, he/she may be the same as you. Shyness, fear etc. are common among newly married couple. Avoid the tit for tat policy which might ruin your marital life. 

Enchantment of Love: The spell of love is a thing which will make you forget all your worries and conquer all the hurdles. Give some more time or take some time, the time in which both of you will get a chance to understand each other in the best possible way. It is love not a game in which someone loses or someone wins, time is powerful than anyone so praise the time and give some room so that a magic called love is evolved in both of your heart which will make your life more vivid and colorful.  

Pre-Marital Jitters: It is a common reason for both of you to get involved in some complexities, so for avoiding this make sure to find the accurate reason of your anxiety, discuss with your partner about it and ensure to solve it as quickly as possible. 

The main reasons are fear of sharing a space and dealing with a new family. Don’t always make someone to come and ask for you to do something, after a marriage it is you who have to adjust and compromise. For this you have to regularly interact with your partner to understand each other and also the ethics and values of the family.

Relishing a healthy conversation with your partner is the best way not only to know about the family but also to make you close and fall in love with the person with whom you have tied your knot and promised to live a life happily ever after.

Know each other: Above all, know each other and compliment small things to spend a happier life with your loving partner. Make love and share love, it is crucial in order to live your life happily and cheerfully.      

South India is a region in the southern part of India. It remains to be the most unique and ideal location for holidaying
. It is unique by its culture and is enchanting by its unmatched beauty of nature.
Tourists from every nook of the world make their visit to various tourist places in south India to explore the unparallel beauty and individuality charm. The southern region of India has something special to offer to its visitors and it is for sure that tourists visiting south India never returns empty hand instead they take back the valuable memories and cherish lifelong.

 Spending your vacation in this region is a unique opportunity for you to explore some of the prominent destinations of India as well as of the world. The verdant greenery, white sandy beaches, enchanting backwaters, gorgeous landscapes, captivating hill stations, adventure activities, wildlife sanctuaries, forts, historical ruins, heritage sites and matchless attractions makes your tour more valuable and delightful. There are innumerable tourists places among which below mentioned are some of the important places of South India.

Kerala Backwaters
           Kerala, lovingly called as the “god’s own country” is the most visited tourist place of South India. The enchanting backwaters of Kerala captivate numbers of both international and domestic tourists through the weekend. It is affirmed to be the most comfy and relaxing place to enjoy your vacation in Kerala. Houseboats are the major attraction of backwaters, locally called as Kettuvallams. A voyage on a luxurious Kettuvallams is the best way to explore Kerala. All kinds of needs and accommodation facilities are pre arranged. Enjoy the best ever romance on the boat exploring the real colors of the god’s own country.

           Located on the banks of river Vaigai in the state Tamil Nadu, Madurai is another important place to explore in South India. Dotted with holy shrines, Madurai is a home to various temples of South India. If you prefer to make your visit to the south Indian temple then, Meenakshi Temple should be it, nestled in the heart of Madurai. The construction of the temple dates back to the early 4,000 years which has now become the most important place to visit. The best time to visit is during the month of April after the 12th day of Chithirai festival.
          Hampi is another major tourist place in Karnataka. It is counted one among India’s top historical destination. During early days Hampi used to be the capital city of Vijayanagar, the place of Hindu empires. The Hindu was the greatest empires in India history. The main attractions of the place are like old Palace, Anegundi Fort, Mahanavami dabba, royal enclosures, matanga hill, Daroji wildlife sanctuary and others. Hampi festival also called as the “Vijaya Utsav” is the major festival celebrated in Hampi held on January every year.

Varkala beach
          Varkala beach also known as Papanasam beach is one among India’s top beaches. Varkala beach is a perfect place for spending your vacation experiencing various water sports and other beach activities. The best time to visit Varkala is during the late March and early April as the weather conditions remains pleasant and suitable for all kinds of tourist activities. Paragliding, wind surfing, speed boating, surfing, swimming are some of the popular tourist activities enjoyed in here. The perfect settings of the beach with attractive water sports take your breath away in a second.      

                     Not only these, there are many more interesting place to visit during your South India tour. Each of them has their key of attraction and is best in their own way. If you are planning to create a remarkable moments during your vacation then, prefer going to South India, the land beyond imagination.        
We starts our day with a ray of sun, that gives us an energy to perform an activities and most importantly grace us with its presence of beauty and energy,
but how many of us have witnessed a beauty
of its journey or the point from where it rise and gives us a beauty and illustrates our world with its light that calls of the darkness of Night.As we all know it rises from east and sets at west, so how about taking a time out to pay a visit and witness a beauty of its origin.

Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA
What would you do witness a beauty of rising sun at a pristine location of Haleakala National Park in Maui, than trust me you have to do nothing, only thing you require to see a beauty of its kind is you need to wake as early as possible, as the visitors come here near at around 3 of morning to see a beauty rising out of its shell. Pay a visit here to witness a beauty of origin.

Svalbard, Norway
Situated at the north of Arctic Circle, sun rise here blooms like a flower out of tender buds, a beauty of gloom marked by a rising ray of sun, to see a rising tide of sun is as majestic as watching a bond inspecting a beauty of case.

Angkor Wat Siem Reap, Cambodia
Spectacular view of rising sun here gives a feeling of watching a horizon from a podium of beauty, an early walk here can offer you a beauty of scaling sun, beside a beauty of phenomena, pristine beauty of temple here carries a significance of Hindu mythology.
Being a premier spot, where tourist gathers in number to witness a beauty of sun rise, a place here is just a magnificent work of nature, serenity of seas marks a beauty of Fiji at its south region where pacific flows eternal.
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Climb a beauty of heights of Klli, which is around — 19,341 feet above sea level, is a beauty where you could get a perfect click of sun rise from a top, watching an everglade beauty of nature is a fun here where you could reveal a beauty of Kilimanjaro along with a ray of rising sun.

Stonehenge, England
People here gathers in number to worship a sun during a time of vernal equinox , which holds a specific importance as far their values and ethics are concerned, known for its beauty of sun rise a place here is of amazing beauty and landscape.

7 Tres Cruces, PERU
Towards a beauty of Machu Picchu, Tres cruces is a beauty of location where sun has its address of beauty, glaring magnificent of rising sun calls a million people from around a globe to circle here enjoy an enchantment of wonders.
Tulum, Mexico
Filled with a beauty of culture and a wonders of history, this place speaks a language of beauty, where on one hand a beauty of oasis of coastal drives million people to pilgrim and rest held their head high to enjoy a first step of beauty.

Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
Reflection of beauty and a profusion of vibrant colors that changes with every tick of sun on the side, this place lures a beauty, serenity soaked by a beauty of sun, Grand Canyon is surely a place where you would love to stick in and witness a beauty of rising sun.

Mount Sinal, Egypt
Carrying a historical and religious beliefs, this place have been described at a pages of torah, bible and Koran, people her flocks to witness a beauty mount Sinal, where you could see a believers in numbers exploring a beauty of sun rise.

The winters is approaching and if you have not yet decided upon a destination to visit during this winter vacation
, then Dubai is the perfect destination to enjoy your vacation with your family.  Dubai is the perfect place to visit during the winter season, especially during the months of November to March. 

When I first visited this place, I stood there in of its streets, admiring the towering infrastructures of this place which are uniquely designed. Over here, you can explore the sky scrapers and even enjoy some thrilling adventure sports on the warm deserts of this place. Dubai is considered as the financial centre of the Arabian Gulf and its culture is a combination of the influence of European, Eastern countries and Middle East countries.

Major Attractions
Best Locations to Visit While You Are In Dubai
For children as well as for some adventure enthusiasts, the place has fascinating amusements like skiing in the desert or they can even visit the Mall of the Emirates where there are plenty of pre-arrangements amusements like siding and sloping which are operated throughout the year. Besides skiing, there are few other options available like snowboarding, tobogganing or tube slides.

Another interesting attraction of this place is the desert safari, which is highly entertaining. The local specialist of the region provides the services for the desert safari. Several arrangements are made to make your tour into the desert even more interesting as well as enjoyable. 

On my visit to this place, I experienced the desert safari with my family where I was provided with four by four seating which is quite comfortable and I also advise you to opt for the same facility.
And if you are looking to leisurely lie down and enjoy the warm winter breeze in Dubai, you can get to one of the beaches of the place to experience the feeling.  

As for me, I preferred to spend my time more in one its beaches than the desert area. The evenings are really spectacular at this place, for relaxing and enjoying some memorable moments with your family. You can even opt to take a shiny morning bath or enjoy sunbathing in the beach.

The place holds even more options for kids, as parks and amusement places are rather very exciting. I have some fine memories of my visit to the Safa Park. The park has lot of things and rides to make your visit even more fun and thrilling. Some of the unique rides at this place were carousel, Ferris wheel, paddle-cars and motorised boats. Jumeirah Park and Zabeel Park are some of the other options present for you.

As sport is also an important aspect of entertainment for the people of Dubai, I also noticed a beautiful playground, which had a variety of flora and fauna and the place was simply striking.
One of the most unique attractions of Dubai is the Yacht Hire Dubai where you can hire a yacht in order to hold some private party or enjoy a romantic evening.

Every year, the place also organizes the shopping extravaganza during the month of January. You can buy some of the attractive master pieces of Dubai at this event, for your loved ones back at home. At the end of this article, I hope that you have made your mind to visit Dubai in your winters this time.